Channel - Session F
2-6-2022 19:23:48

Channel Videos

[F01] BandNet: A Neural Network-based, Multi-Instrument Beatles-Style MIDI Music Composition Machine
"We propose a recurrent neural network (RNN)-based MIDI music composition machine that is able to learn musical knowledge from existing Beatles' music and generate full songs in the style of the Beatles with little human intervention."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 12:30:00

[F02] Can We Listen To It Together?: Factors Influencing Reception of Music Recommendations and Post-Recommendation Behavior
"In addition to the aesthetic qualities of music and the respondent’s taste, expectations regarding the delivery, familiarity, trust in the recommender’s abilities, and the rationale for suggestions affected people’s reception of recommendations."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 12:35:00

[F03] Adversarial Learning for Improved Onsets and Frames Music Transcription
"Piano roll prediction in music transcription can be improved by appending an additional loss incurred by an adversarial discriminator."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 12:40:00

[F04] Automatic Music Transcription and Ethnomusicology: a User Study
"After decades of developing Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) systems, this paper conducts a first user study with experienced transcribers to shed light on the potential and drawbacks of incorporating AMT into manual transcription practice."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 12:45:00

[F05] LakhNES: Improving Multi-instrumental Music Generation with Cross-domain Pre-training
"We use transfer learning to improve multi-instrumental music generation by first pre-training a Transformer on a large heterogeneous music dataset (Lakh MIDI) and subsequently fine tuning it on a domain of interest (NES-MDB)."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 12:50:00

[F06] Taking Form: A Representation Standard, Conversion Code, and Example Corpora for Recording, Visualizing, and Studying Analyses of Musical Form
"We provide new specification standards for representing human analyses of musical form, along with corpora of examples, and code for working with them."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 12:55:00

[F07] Learning Complex Basis Functions for Invariant Representations of Audio
"The "Complex Autoencoder" learns features invariant to transposition and time-shift of audio in CQT representation. The features are competitive in a repeated section discovery, and in an audio-to-score alignment task."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:00:00

[F08] Folded CQT RCNN For Real-time Recognition of Instrument Playing Techniques
"We extend state-of-the-art deep learning models for instrument recognition to the real-time classification of instrument playing techniques. Our models generalize better with a proper taxonomy and an adapted input transform."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:05:00

[F09] humdrumR: a New Take on an Old Approach to Computational Musicology
"Describes a new software toolkit for computational musicology research."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:10:00

[F10] Tunes Together: Perception and Experience of Collaborative Playlists
"Collaborative playlists (CPs) are critical in bringing back social connectedness to music enjoyment. We characterize purposes and connotations of CPs as well as elucidate similarities and differences between users and non-users with the CP Framework."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:15:00

[F11] A Holistic Approach to Polyphonic Music Transcription with Neural Networks
"A neural network architecture is trained in an end-to-end manner to transcribe music scores in humdrum **kern format from polyphonic audio files."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:20:00

[F12] Generalized Metrics for Single-f0 Estimation Evaluation
"We show a variety of limitations in widely used metrics for measuring the accuracy of single-f0 estimation systems, and propose a generalization which considers non-binary voicing decisions and a weighted scoring of pitch estimations."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:25:00

[F13] Learning Disentangled Representations of Timbre and Pitch for Musical Instrument Sounds Using Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders
"We disentangle pitch and timbre of musical instrument sounds by learning separate interpretable latent spaces using Gaussian mixture variational autoencoders. The model is verified by controllable sound synthesis and many-to-many timbre transfer."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:30:00

[F14] The ISMIR Explorer - A Visual Interface for Exploring 20 Years of ISMIR Publications
"We present a visual user interface for exploring the cumulative ISMIR proceedings based on locally aligned neighborhood maps containing semantically similar papers. Use this to search for related work or to discover interesing new topics!"
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:35:00

[F15] Pattern Clustering in Monophonic Music by Learning a Non-Linear Embedding From Human Annotations
"Musical pattern discovery can be taken as a clustering task, incorporating manual annotations of repeated patterns as a way of specifying the kinds of patterns desired."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:40:00

[F16] A Study of Annotation and Alignment Accuracy for Performance Comparison in Complex Orchestral Music
"Annotations of the "beat" of complex orchestral music have considerable uncertainty due to disagreement of annotators. A comparison of typical uncertainties to accuracies achieved by transfer of annotations using dynamic time-warping is given."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:45:00

[F17] Mapping Timing Strategies in Drum Performance
"We present a novel method for the analysis and visualization of microtiming relations between instruments and apply it to drum performances with three different timing profiles (on, pushed and laidback) from a laboratory experiment."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:50:00

[F18] Improving Singing Aid System for Laryngectomees With Statistical Voice Conversion and VAE-SPACE
"An improved singing aid system for laryngectomees is developed, which converts EL speeches into singing voices according to the melodic information by applying a statistical VC approach to enhance phonetic features and VAE-SPACE to control pitch."
presenter ISMIR2019
7-11-2019 13:55:00

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