Channel - Session G
2-6-2022 19:17:45

Channel Videos

[G01] Approachable Music Composition with Machine Learning at Scale
"We show behind the scenes how the Bach Doodle works, the design, how we sped up the machine learning model Coconet to run in the browser. We are also releasing a dataset of 21.6 million melody and harmonization pairs, along with user ratings.
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:00:00

[G02] Scalable Searching and Ranking for Melodic Pattern Queries
"We focus in this paper on the scalable content-based retrieval problem. We consider the search mechanism with a monophonic query pattern in order to retrieve from a very large collection of scores one or more fragments "similar" to this pattern."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:10:00

[G03] Adaptive Time-Frequency Scattering for Periodic Modulation Recognition in Music Signals
"We focus in this paper on the scalable content-based retrieval problem. We consider the search mechanism with a monophonic query pattern in order to retrieve from a very large collection of scores one or more fragments "similar" to this pattern."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:15:00

[G04] Controlling Symbolic Music Generation based on Concept Learning from Domain Knowledge
"ExtRes is a generative model that learns decoupled concept spaces, given human domain knowledge. It provides concept-aware (e.g., rhythm, contour) controllability in interpolation and variation generation for symbolic music."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:20:00

[G05] Unmixer: An Interface for Extracting and Remixing Loops
"Unmixer is a web interface where users can upload music, extract loops, remix them, and mash-up loops from different songs. To extract loops with source separation, we use a nonnegative tensor factorization method improved with a sparsity constraint."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:25:00

[G06 Quantifying Disruptive Influence in the AllMusic Guide
"What is disruption? Different from being popular, being disruptive usually means bringing something ground-breaking to the table. In this work, we measure and detail how artists are disruptive using a human-curated music corpora."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:30:00

[G07] Leveraging knowledge bases and parallel annotations for music genre translation
"In this paper, we explore the problem of translation of music genres between multiple tag systems, with or without common annotated corpus."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:35:00

[G08] Generating Structured Drum Pattern Using Variational Autoencoder and Self-similarity Matrix
"A drum pattern generation model based on VAE-GAN is presented; the proposed method generates symbolic drum patterns given a melodic track. Self-similarity matrix (SSM) is incorporated in the process for encapsulating structural information."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:40:00

[G09] Rendering Music Performance With Interpretation Variations Using Conditional Variational RNN
"Our performance rendering method discovers latent sources of expressive variety, and also allows users to control such sources of expressive variations when rendering."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:45:00

[G10] An Interactive Workflow for Generating Chord Labels for Homorhythmic Music in Symbolic Formats
"An Interactive Workflow for Generating Chord Labels for Homorhythmic Music in Symbolic Formats"
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:50:00

[G11] Quantifying Musical Style: Ranking Symbolic Music based on Similarity to a Style
"StyleRank is a method to rank MIDI files based on their similarity to a style defined by an arbitrary corpus."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 08:55:00

[G12] Audio Query-based Music Source Separation
"An audio-query based source separation method that is capable of separating the music source regardless of the number and/or kind of target signals. Various useful scenarios are suggested such as zero-shot separation, latent interpolation and etc."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 09:00:00

[G13] Mosaic Style Transfer Using Sparse Autocorrelograms
"We apply sparse dictionary decomposition twice to autocorrelograms of signals, to get a novel analysis of and method for mosaicing music style transfer, which has the novel feature of handling time-scaling of the source audio naturally."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 09:05:00

[G14] Automatic Choreography Generation with Convolutional Encoder-decoder Network
"In this paper, we proposed an encoder-decoder neural network that generates choreography that matches with given music. As a result of the evaluation, we showed that the proposed network created a natural choreography that matched the music."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 09:10:00

[G15] Hierarchical Classification Networks for Singing Voice Segmentation and Transcription
"A note transcription method for singing voice, implemented by novel hierarchical classification networks, achieves the performance better than before."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 09:15:00

[G16] VirtuosoNet: A Hierarchical RNN-based System for Modeling Expressive Piano Performance
"We present an RNN-based model that reads MusicXML and generates human-like performance MIDI. The model employs a hierarchical approach by using attention network and an independent measure-level estimation module. We share our code and dataset."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 09:20:00

[G17] MIDI Passage Retrieval Using Cell Phone Pictures of Sheet Music
"We develop a system which enables a person to take a cell phone picture of a page of sheet music, and to automatically retrieve the matching portion of a corresponding MIDI file."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 09:25:00

[G18] A Convolutional Approach to Melody Line Identification in Symbolic Scores
"We propose a new approach to identifying the most salient melody line in a symbolic score, consisting of a CNN estimating the probability that each note in the score belongs to the melody. This task is important for both MIR and Musicology."
presenter ISMIR2019
8-11-2019 09:30:00

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