Channel - TPM
2-6-2022 17:58:48

Channel Videos

A study of ICT firm Innovativeness in Indonesia: Influencing Conditions and Design of a Change Strategy
Medische situatie tijdens opname. Hierdoor opname gestopt
L.M. Syamsuri
13-9-2023 09:55:00

Aggregators’ business models for flexibility from electricity consumers
Ö. Okur
5-3-2021 08:25:00

Automated abstraction of discrete event models by discovering multi-level temporal patterns from simulation-generated categorical time series
C. Tekinay
17-6-2022 07:25:00

Balancing and redispatch: the next stepping stones in European electricity market integration. Improving the market design and the efficiency of the procurement of blanacing and redispatch services
K. Poplavskaya
9-7-2021 07:25:00

Big Data Observations Made upon Social Media and Policy Making
S. Vydra
5-6-2023 14:55:00

Can I Touch you Online? Embodied, Empathic Intimate Experience of Shared Social Touch in Hybrid Connections
K.A. Lancel
23-5-2023 12:25:00

CBRN Threats, Counter-Terrorism, and Collective Moral Responsibility. Partnerships in preventing and preparing for terrorist attacks using common-use toxic and radiological substances as weapons
J. Feltes
13-7-2021 09:55:00

Coordinating Energy Flexibility in the Electricity Distribution Grid
S.T. Chakraborty
20-5-2022 07:25:00

Cost Allocation in Integrated Community Energy Systems
N. Li
7-2-2022 08:25:00

Data-driven methods to study individual choice behaviour with applications to discrete choice experiments and Participatory Value Evaluation experiments
J.I. Hernández
16-10-2023 09:55:00

Data-Driven Modelling of Routing and Scheduling in Freight Transport
A. Nadi Najafabadi
17-10-2022 09:55:00

Decision-making Support for Opening Government Data
A. Luthfi
22-9-2021 14:55:00

Design guidelines for the monetary and financial system in the digital age
M.J. van der Linden
29-9-2022 07:25:00

Design Patterns for Detecting and Mitigating Bias in Edge AI
W. Hutiri
1-11-2023 08:25:00

Economies of scale: a multi-level perspective .Applications in Dutch local public services
T.K. Niaounakis
23-3-2021 10:55:00

Energy resilience through self-organization
S. Čaušević
3-7-2023 12:25:00

Engagement in Applied Games
I. Kniestedt
26-6-2023 14:55:00

Factors Influencing Business-to-Government Information-Sharing Arrangements. Understanding system architectures and governance structures in information-sharing
D. Praditya
23-2-2023 13:25:00

From city branding to urban transformation: How do Chinese cities implement city branding strategies?
W. Ma
23-2-2021 10:55:00

Homicide investigation in the digital era. The development and evaluation of a case-specific elements library (C-SEL)
A.D. Sutmuller
7-10-2021 09:55:00

Identifying moral antecedents of decision-making in Discrete Choice Models
T. Szép
19-10-2022 07:25:00

Industrial Symbiosis in Emerging Economies. A system approach to study industrial symbiosis in industrial clusters
S. Noori
7-9-2022 09:55:00

Location-based Games for Social Interaction in Public Spaces
F.X. Dos Santos Fonseca
28-1-2021 10:55:00

Machine Learning & Counter-Terrorism: Ethics, Efficacy, and Meaningful Human Control
S.A. Robbins
22-1-2021 10:55:00

Modeling Seafarers’ Navigational Decision-Making for Autonomous Ships’ Safety
J. Xue
19-1-2022 13:25:00

Moral Values, Behaviour, and the Self: An empirical and conceptual analysis
T.G.C. van den Berg
9-5-2023 09:55:00

Multi-Party Computation as a Privacy-Enhancing Technology: Implications for Data Sharing by Businesses and Consumers
W. Agahari
29-9-2023 07:25:00

Normativity and Justicie in Resilience Strategies
J.C. Cañizares Gaztelu
28-9-2023 12:25:00

Open Source Urbanism. A design method for cultivating information infrastructures in the urban commons
S.P. Zhilin
10-2-2023 10:55:00

Outsourcing Cybercrime
R. van Wegberg
27-10-2020 13:25:00

Psychological aspects of travel information presentation
G.P. van Wee
17-10-2012 10:00:00

Reconceptualizing autonomy in elderly care in the robot era: A relational perspective
S. Li
26-9-2022 07:25:00

Responsible Innovation in Data-Driven Biotechnology
K.R.C. Bruynseels
29-4-2021 12:25:00

Responsible Learning about Uncertain Risks Arising from Emerging Biotechnologies
B.F.H.J. Bouchaut
2-11-2022 10:55:00

Reworking Land Reform. A credibility approach to property rights in China’s forest sector
K. Krul
21-9-2021 09:55:00

Self Organisation for Survival
I. Banerjee
23-11-2022 10:55:00

Simulating Energy Transitions
Have you ever wanted to know whether a CO2 tax outperforms the EU emissions trading scheme? Or how long it really takes markets to change and to let consumers choose differently? In this book, Emile Chappin explores simulation models to provide us with answers before policy interventions are implemented and shows that, by developing agent-based models, we can simulate energy transition. Learn about a new framework that enables us to model energy infrastructure systems as complex socio-technical systems, which evolve as a result of distributed decision making by actors in the system. See how running agent-based models let the system structure and dynamics emerge from the interactions between actors and technologies. Understand how actors, who decide on operation and investment, are responsive to policy interventions, market rules, and technological development. Find out from simulations of the electricity production sector, the LNG market, and consumer lighting that interventions in these energy systems do alter their evolution – they invoke structural, systemic change: transition. This thesis thus demonstrates that agent-based models yield a powerful tool for governments and companies: they allow them to assess the long-term effect of their policies and strategies in our complex, interconnected world.
E.J.L. Chappin
16-6-2011 07:30:00

Simulating Human Routines: Integrating Social Practice Theory in Agent-Based Models
R.A. Mercuur
26-5-2021 07:25:00

Slagvaardig met ICT. Ontwerpprincipes voor leeromgevingen die professionele digitale competenties van hbo-studenten versterken
F.W. Jacobs
6-2-2013 11:00:00

Synchronization control of perturbed passenger and freight operations
W. Qu
7-7-2021 12:25:00

Taming technology. The narrative anchor reconcilling time, territory and technology in geoinformation infrastructures
Applying the latest information technology does not guarantee a successful information infrastructure. Innovative information technology is often considered vital to achieving information infrastructures. However, the PhD thesis that Henk Koerten will be defending on January 21 shows that the latest information technology can both promote and frustrate the process of creating information infrastructures. In order to be able to make the right choices in the future, he introduces a new concept based on anthropological research: the narrative anchor. This is a narrative concept that compels one to opt for the most appropriate information technology instead of the latest to create the desired information infrastructure. Voor de realisatie van informatie-infrastructuren wordt innovatieve informatietechnologie vaak als onontbeerlijk gezien. Het onderzoek waarop Henk Koerten op 21 januari promoveert toont echter aan dat bij het realiseren van informatie-infrastructuren de nieuwste informatietechnologie een dergelijk project zowel kan bevorderen als frustreren. Om in de toekomst daarbij de juiste keuzes te kunnen maken introduceert hij op basis van antropologisch onderzoek een nieuw begrip: het narratieve anker. Dit is een verhalend concept dat ertoe dwingt de meest passende in plaats van de nieuwste informatietechnologie te kiezen voor de te realiseren informatie-infrastructuur.
H. Koerten
21-1-2011 11:00:00

The bogeyman unveiled: Safety and effectiveness within the Royal Netherlands Air Force
L. Horst (geh) Boskeljon
21-6-2023 14:55:00

The end of the sectoral approach? Understanding the role of integration in urban water management
E.M. Nieuwenhuis
27-9-2023 07:25:00

The Facilitating University; Positioning Next Generation Higher Education
The Facilitating University; Positioning Next Generation Educational Technology Higher education is directly and indirectly subjected to pressures of diminishing subsidies, increasing student populations, heterogeneity, shorter knowledge and product lifecycles, labour demands, proliferation of technology, and new educational approaches and practices. Higher education must change to cope with these pressures. This study is aimed at how higher education might cope with the current and upcoming pressures of technology on education. Developments that have had or have an influence in the shaping process of higher education were addressed, a quantitative study on growth patterns and users’ uses from 289 virtual learning environments was conducted, and elaboration on educational technology with the gained insights was carried out to deliver a picture of the future educational practice, which we would like to call Learning mall. The study ends with seven key principles as a ‘management-set’ to start organising discussions and arrangements for a facilitating university to be at a vanguard position.
A.H.W. van der Zanden
10-12-2009 09:00:00

The Interplay between Land Use, Travel Behaviour and Attitudes: a Quest for Causality
P.P. van de Coevering
17-6-2021 09:55:00

Together we make places: Designing connections in urban spaces
G. Slingerland
18-2-2022 08:25:00

Tradable Credits for Congestion Management: support/reject?
L.D.M. Krabbenborg
12-1-2021 13:25:00

Vernieuwing in de praktijk van het toezicht
H.R. Goosensen
23-6-2021 12:25:00

Wegen door Brussel. Staatssteun en publieke belangen in de vervoersector
Staatssteun en publieke belangen in de vervoersector Lidstaten van de Europese Unie mogen hun ondernemingen niet zomaar staatssteun geven. Staatssteun kan de concurrentiepositie van deze ondernemingen versterken en daardoor de vrije en eerlijke concurrentie in de EU verstoren. Maar soms is staatssteun wenselijk, bijvoorbeeld om publieke belangen te borgen. Wil een lidstaat dergelijke steun verlenen, dan heeft hij daarvoor toestemming van de Europese Commissie nodig. Dit proefschrift adresseert de vraag in welke gevallen staatssteun voor de borging van publieke belangen in de vervoersector is toegestaan. Onderzocht wordt welke publieke belangen in de vervoersector een rol spelen, wanneer overheidsbijdragen voor de borging van deze publieke belangen geen staatssteun opleveren en hoe de Commissie steunmaatregelen gericht op de borging van publieke belangen beoordeelt. Uit het onderzoek komt naar voren dat het staatssteunrecht veel mogelijkheden biedt om publieke belangen met overheidsbijdragen te borgen. Indien de overheidsbijdragen al aan een goedkeuring van de Europese Commissie onderhevig zijn, dan wordt deze goedkeuring in verreweg de meeste gevallen gegeven. Het beeld van de Europese Commissie als dwarsligger kan dan ook worden bijgesteld.
N. Saanen
18-3-2013 08:30:00

Winning Data: designing and testing a game to change civil servants' attitudes towards open governmental data provision
F. Kleiman
23-9-2021 12:25:00

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