Channel - Lecture serie - Motion for Life
2-6-2022 17:51:34
Channel Videos
An acoustic-wave-based technology for early diagnosis of cartilage damage
N. Tümer
20-10-2016 13:00:00
An echo in Biology
J. Post
10-3-2016 14:00:00
Motion for Life - 1 - Osteoarthritis: the usability and effectiveness of blended exercise therapy
C. Veenhof
15-12-2016 13:00:00
Motion for life - 2 Does this treatment work?
R. Selles
15-12-2016 13:30:00
Motion for life - 3 Cartilage loss in primary care
M. van Middelkoop
15-12-2016 14:00:00
Motion for Life - 4 - Cartilage Rehabilitation
K. Hambly
15-12-2016 14:45:00
Motion for life - 5 Prevention of injuries
G. Myklebust
15-12-2016 16:00:00
Quantative assessment of fracture healing using ultrasound
S. Gheduzzi
20-10-2016 14:00:00
Treatment of Cartilage Injuries and Disease: A Tissue Engineers Perspective
M. Zenobi-Wong
24-11-2016 15:00:00
Treatment: Improving bone marrow stimulation
G.J.M. Tuijthof
24-11-2016 14:00:00
Understanding Cartilage Pathology
E. Kon
11-3-2016 14:00:00
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